For one of my classes we had to come up with our own creative morality to live by and I wanted to share it with you. "Jack Johnson sings a song called , " Where'd all the Good People Go?", and this is a very good question. Moralities were things that in the past were common, but now its become like a "cult" of different people. I do not see it likes this but describe it like this because I am a Christian and a lot of the time am defending that this is how it is not. Moralities are a big thing of life but many people find them as a hindrance- but them seeing it like that is a morality for them. The morality of Patience is one that I have been personally working on. To fall into this group you must be willing to give up instant gratification. Microwaves are a no-no Down loading music online the day that it is released is not allowed Drive through window's are impersonal and you end up wasting more gas. You must wait until the physical pay day to...
"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. – Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace.