All week, thanks to a dear friend with some AMAZING kiddos, I was able to take part in a program from USANA called RESET! It is meant to help curb cravings and lose weight. I have absolutely loved it !! The shakes were a great way of making sure I was eating breakfast, it makes you eat healthy snacks instead of going for some empty calories and it is SUPER DUPER FILLING! From this expierience I have realized that I did not eat breakfast enough before causing me to inhale food when I ate lunch. Then I would go another 6 hours or so before my next meal , dinner. I need to change that not just for the five days of this program but forever. My new steps will be: getting empty calories out of the house. We will buy chips and stuff when we are at the store as a "treat" and over indulge. I am going to save my treat mentality for an every once in a while bean and cheese taco : ) EAT BREAKFAST! I am going to look for the most healthy and cost efficient way for me to continue with the ...
"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. – Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace.