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Showing posts from July, 2011

last day of RESET!

All week, thanks to a dear friend with some AMAZING kiddos, I was able to take part in a program from USANA called RESET! It is meant to help curb cravings and lose weight. I have absolutely loved it !! The shakes were a great way of making sure I was eating breakfast, it makes you eat healthy snacks instead of going for some empty calories and it is SUPER DUPER FILLING! From this expierience I have realized that I did not eat breakfast enough before causing me to inhale food when I ate lunch. Then I would go another 6 hours or so before my next meal , dinner. I need to change that not just for the five days of this program but forever. My new steps will be: getting empty calories out of the house. We will buy chips and stuff when we are at the store as a "treat" and over indulge. I am going to save my treat mentality for an every once in a while bean and cheese taco : ) EAT BREAKFAST! I am going to look for the most healthy and cost efficient way for me to continue with the ...

lost in the jungle of summer

Between school school and church, life has been tumbled about. I would not change a thing, I have enjoyed even the hard points. I do wish I had taken a minute or two to rest, but I will do it when I am older and can not walk any longer ( teehee). I was reminded of an awesome song that talks about this today by Laura Story "Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops What if Your healing comes through tears? And what if a thousand sleepless nights Are what it takes to know You’re near?" I think sometimes it is easiest to go to God in the tough points of the day and pour out our complaints only- but we need to remember to be thankful in those moments TOO because we are learning and growing from them just as well as the happy times. When ever a hard point arrives I try to remember to hug it and say, " If God brings us to it, He will bring us through it!" I have really taken this to heart recently because I had been struggling with accepting an offer I h...