So this is a duplicate posting from my fairy tale blog in reflection of my unit on Little Red Riding Hood. I thought that it was good enough to repeat: The stories of Grimm allow a person to take a break from reality, and pretend. When a child wraps their head around the child plot and meaning, they begin to day dream and pretend this could be them. Where do we draw the line of letting a child have dreams and crushing things that can not happen? Maybe this is why I am not yet a mother, but I have worked in pre-school for two years now and I am actually the least likely candidate to crush any child dream. I knew when I was younger that I would end up in New York, some way some how, and look at me- I am going to school in New York ( online of course but who is really checking?) Maybe Grimm ( and all the other writers/dreamers/ creators) were right, we need to take a break from the serious, let our minds wander, and see where our hearts really want to be. With that said, I ha...
"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. – Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace.