I was standing in the kitchen about a week ago and my oldest nephew turned to me and said, " you cant eat that , hand it over." I sat there and said, " why can't I eat this?" I was referencing a small piece of dark chocolate I had taken out of my in-laws candy jar. He came back at me saying, " because you are vegan." _________________________________________________________________________________ Since January 2013, my hubby and me have been making great strides to have a more vegan way of life. We have not eaten meat since November of 2011, and had been toying with the idea of going fully vegan. In March of this year, we ate some cheese and I automatically had crazy amounts of mucous ( sorry for sharing ) and caused a sinus infection and earaches like it did when I was younger and told I was allergic to milk. You are an individual, you have your own likes and dislikes, and you eat what...
"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. – Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace.