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Showing posts from May, 2013

Book Blog: Confessions of a Raging Perfectionist

I am a planner- which i have learned coincides directly with a little bit of control freakness. When I saw the title ,"confessions of a raging perfectionist," I was intrigued and knew that I should read the book. Thanks to my friends at  Tyndale House Publishers I have been provided with a complimentary copy of this book. First off when I received the book, it bugged me ALOT that the book title was not capitalized. Writing the name of the book here without capital letters also bugs me but I am working on it. In a Q and A session provided to me by Tyndale House Publishers, the author Amanda Jenkins was asked: What is your hope for this book, Confessions of a Raging Perfectionist? Response: That my transparency would get readers one step closer to freedom from their own impossible goals; that it would open their eyes to the strangleholds we sometimes don’t even see, but  shape the way we think and spend our time; that it would get us laughing at the stuff we hide;...

ten years ago

When you are interviewed for jobs you are asked " where will you be in 1 year ( 5 years or 10 years)?" and of course your answer morphs all the time, sometimes even day to day. A friend of my husbands reminded me that 2014 would be their 10 year high school reunion. It got me to thinking about ten years ago and since we were in the month of March, I just merely thought, " I was in eighth grade at William P Hobby Middle School." I then began to think of the things that happened in eighth grade. ____________________________________________________________________________      I loved wearing purple and gold, our school colors. I was an officer in the club Hobby Pride, along with being a student council board rep. I was in yearbook and newspaper along with being a tennis player. I was in Mr. Montgomery's ( Monty) US history class and Mrs. Correas English Class. I went to every football games because I was a tad boy crazy. I passed notes in class ALOT. ...