I am a planner- which i have learned coincides directly with a little bit of control freakness. When I saw the title ,"confessions of a raging perfectionist," I was intrigued and knew that I should read the book. Thanks to my friends at Tyndale House Publishers I have been provided with a complimentary copy of this book. First off when I received the book, it bugged me ALOT that the book title was not capitalized. Writing the name of the book here without capital letters also bugs me but I am working on it. In a Q and A session provided to me by Tyndale House Publishers, the author Amanda Jenkins was asked: What is your hope for this book, Confessions of a Raging Perfectionist? Response: That my transparency would get readers one step closer to freedom from their own impossible goals; that it would open their eyes to the strangleholds we sometimes don’t even see, but shape the way we think and spend our time; that it would get us laughing at the stuff we hide;...
"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. – Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace.