As some of you may know, today is One Day Without Shoes Day .... but many of you may not know. This day is encouraged/sponsored/planned by Toms Shoes , the buy one give one organization, and for those of you who have not heard about this company take a look at a college campus or music festival and you will probably lay eyes on a pair or more. For those of you who have watched me grow up, the concept of NOT wearing shoes comes VERY naturally to me. I remember days when my husband and I were dating and my father would see me leave the house without shoes and say," child where are you shoes, get back in the house and get them," to which I would reply," don't worry dad I left some in Curtis' car." These conversations happened ALOT, and I don't regret not liking shoes :) not liking shoes led me to my purchase of Vibram Five Finger Shoes and eventually my first pair of Toms ( feel like I am wearing nothing). So I think it was the first year I was caug...
"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. – Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace.