I feel like last summer the word EPIC came from left field and was every other word out of the teenaged populations mouths but I think Kurt Bubna was on the right track when he used in in the title of his book , " Epic Grace". I like that from the cover you can tell his voice and honesty by saying he is a "recovering idiot". This book has been through the ringer with me me, I received this book sometime at the end of January/ early February and if you know me, you know that was the start of an amazing journey!! We have moved to Indiana from Texas and started our new journey at our new church. Well sometime on this journey my poor copy of the book became wet and is about four times the size that it was when i received it. I think the most important thing I have grasped from this book is that we need to remember that we all fall short sometimes, and have slap your head moments. I am pretty sure I had one of those "idiot" moments last night, but what we...
"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. – Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace.