Well well, 2015 snuck up on the Huffman- but want to look back at 2014. January tick tock, tick tock- we spent time waiting on our call- our 2013 ended after a whippity skippity trip to Indianapolis and knew that in Gods timing we would be finding out if and when we would take our next adventure. So before the end of January we knew our new journey would be to Indiana, and it would be soon. I ended my time at Gracepoint and subbed at Churchill Baptist until we got the news. Went to the San Antonio Zoo one last time for our 5th anniversary and what would be our last anni in SA ( for free due to the Spurs winning). We enjoyed seeing GHOST with friends before receiving our call and making final prep for our move to Indy. February Good byes are hard, especially when they are family, friends and food. Both of us were born and raised in South Texas and even when we moved to Oklahoma for 9 months in 2008-2009 for school at OBU- San Antonio was still home. Basica...
"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. – Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace.