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Showing posts from February, 2015


*** Received this book from Tyndale publishers and the thoughts expressed are deff mine*** SIMPLIFY! I think this is one of those terms thrown around in all areas of life, and I chose to review the book due to the simple title and author who puts things in simple terms. This books is not much different that the talks I have heard from him through Leadership Summit. The first time I heard from Hybels was 2013, and to this day I know that what I hear was good but have been in such a whirlwind since that I can not remember the topic(I have ALOT of notes somewhere from it). I would highly recommend this book, which is funny because it would be adding something to your already busy schedule but I think it will help you look at the ways that you look at the busyness as reevaluate the WWWWWH :)

the Family Project

wow this review is coming WAY WAY WAY after the fact. I have read books in the past year but somehow my Tyndale books kept getting lost in the mess known as life. *** received this book from Tyndale for free for the purpose of reviewing it and the thoughts expressed are mine :) *** This book is one that when I requested it I didn't think it would pertain to me as much as it would be a great teaching tool ( since many of my readers know I work along side my husband in his role of student pastor). Which I think in retrospect my attitude probably adjudicated how I would feel at the end too- and hope to re-read it soon in respect to my life and relationships. This book/ curriculum is built to help you see who you are in Gods eyes and your direct purpose in the family unit you have. I have struggled as my husband and I have been married longer to see us as a valid family unit with the all too often comments of " you will understand when you start a family". So I am going ...