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Showing posts from December, 2015


(IN)courage (EN)courage (COURAGE) I have been thinking about these words. (IN) COURAGE  was the name of a cute little paper/gift boutique around the corner from the Starbucks I frequented during college. I might have been a bit obsessed with it due to the amount of pink, glitter, and stationary that they carried but lets not get off topic :) Encourage is defined by my buddy Marriam-Webster as:      -To make (someone) more determined, hopeful, or confident.      -To make (something) more appealing or more likely to happen.      -To make (someone) more likely to do something: to tell or advise        (someone) to do  something but being the dictionary connoisseur that I am it really brought me the idea of courage which Merriam simply says: the ability to do something you know is difficult or dangerous. I think what I am finding is we are called to be all three of these words. "Be strong and COURAGE ...


     I am not normally on that whats to share photos of my body ( but that is another post for another day). Below you will see a picture of my wearing my Holiday Cheerleader with a tank top that comes past my bum. I have been participating in Dressember : "Dressember uses fashion to advocate for women who've been exploited for their femininity. As women take on the creative challenge of wearing a dress for the 31 days of December, they are advocating for the inherent dignity of all women."  (expert from the website)      I have in the past two years been heightened to the need when it comes to human trafficking. I worked for a mission organization that had a group that was working towards human trafficking prevention: Hope61 and then came to know more through A21 . So I decided to take part in Dressember 2015. In this picture you will see that I am not specifically wearing a dress- but what had really gotten to me the night before I wor...