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Showing posts from July, 2016

REVIEW: Life principles for living out the Greatest commandment by Cheri Strange

I came across reviewing this bible study, " Life principles for living out the Greatest commandment ", through a website that I follow: She Yearns   after completing the YouVersion bible plan " Waiting Well " by Cheri Strange. ** I received this book for free to review. The opinions are my own and I am not getting any compensation.** When you start off day one of week one with such honesty as," offering God anything less than my all is equivalent to murder, adultery, stealing, and idolatry." You know you are going to get a kick in the pants during this study. I love Cheri's honesty and trasperancy from the get go. She has written this story in a place of actually dealing with the topic herself. This study requires you to look deep inside and truely evaluate your relationship with God. It is written in a way that it is a good fit for a new Christian and those who have been a Christian for a long time. It requires you to have your bible out and write...