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Showing posts from March, 2017

REVIEW: Praying the Psalms

{necessary information} I received this book as a try-me from Tyndale Publishers and the opinions expressed in this blog are mine alone and not those of the author or publisher {transparency} It is hard to review a devotional book when you want to use the book as a devotional book (meaning actually doing one section per day) but you can not because it would be past the review due date. I go back and read it fully as a devo once I have posted the review.  {review: Praying the Psalms } As noted above, this book is broken down so that it can be done one a day for 150 days ( the amount of Psalms- teehee). The layout of each day: the Psalm typed out, 2 pages of commentary/questions to help reflect on the aforementioned Psalm. I did not feel like the commentary was too teachy, but more thought provoking to help you work through you own thoughts to talk through with God. Some of the days break out specific verses in the commentary. What I really like about this is that s...