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Showing posts from April, 2017

LIFE: Free Coffee

2017 : The current year 2007 : The year I graduated from high school Do you see the correlation? 10 Years Ten years have passed since I graduated from Churchill High School. Now it may seem strange that I am writing about my ten year mark when it isn't even ten years to the date yet(May 28th), but what made me think of it was Free Coffee this morning.  Toss Back to High School: My dad would drop me off around 7 am when he had to leave for work (or else I was walking the two miles to and from school for the day). Many of my friends would get dropped off around 7:30 am so they had some time to hang out before their practices or meetings that normally started at 8:00 am ( school bells rung for the day to start at 9:00 am). April was my favorite month for these hang outs to happen because my two close friends, Anna and Sarah, and me would walk to Valero after the Spurs won a playoff game and get free coffee. Our coffee was normally about half normal coffee and half cappu...

LIFE: Weight

"Now that you are losing weight, you're actually looking pretty" "I will teach you how to cinch at the waist, for when you decide to finally lose weight" Direct quotes I have been told over the past month. If you follow me on any form of social media, you know I am kicking butt and taking names to get the weight off. I have lost and kept off about 20 pounds since summer 2016 alone. My journey so far as lead to about 60 pounds. I am currently wearing a smaller size then I wore my senior year in high school ( when my husband and I started dating). I am not sharing this to get a "congrats" or "way to go" or brag on myself, I am sharing to share what changed for me. I have struggled with my weight my entire life.  I have struggled with my self image my entire life.  I have heard comments like the ones above my entire life from people close to me.  My legit weight loss journey started in 2010- when we started the year by giving up somethi...

LIFE: Adoption, Foster Care and Us

I was in middle school attending a party of sorts at my friend Olivia's house, but this story has nothing to do with her. I had met her brother Colin ( who looked different than Olivia) before but it had not clicked to me that they were not a mixed family household like mine (Dad from England, stepmom and stepbrother from Mexico, stepsister half Mexican and blonde hair blue eyed me).  My Siblings and Me Incognito I lived in a bubble where I had not had much interaction or talk about the word adoption other than the Summer Camp and Christian concert pleas to adopt a child monthly(which after this moment I had to drag myself away from each time because I wanted to adopt all the kids but didn't have income of my own at 14 ). That night my eyes, heart and mind were blown open to the world of adoption. I do not completely remember the details of the night, other than walking away with the desire and passion for adoption. In the same explosion of the heart, I felt like I w...