{necessary information} I received this book from the author as a part of the launch team for free. The opinions expressed in this blog are mine alone and not those of the author or publisher. {review: More than Just Making It } Erin Odom is the woman behind the Humbled Homemaker website, and her book shows just as much of her warmth as her blog. Erin is open and honest and full of grace as she shares her experiences through her own financially frustrated seasons. One thing that I love is that each chapter is sprinkled with bible verses and quotes from other resources she had sought along her journey. Each chapter is an area of life where we get frustrated and specific resources for you to personally seek out if you are in that specific season ( there was one chapter than hit me so hard between the eyes that I had to put down the book and take care of business). Erin reminds us that there is NO SHAME in struggling, and that we are to be open to receive h...
"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. – Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace.