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Showing posts from January, 2020

LIFE: 2020 Word of the Year

Wowzers! So I began thinking of the my word of the year probably mid- December and realized at that point that I did not even know what word I had chosen for 2019. So a quick search of the old blog lead me to the word DISCOVER! and Yes! 2019 was a year of discovery. When I wrote DISCOVER for 2019, I didn't know: I would get to explore a little more of the area I had relocated to in 2018, and expand the border to Washington DC before... Getting to explore airports during the first two months of 2019 ... While interviewing for the opportunity to move closer to "home". These three bullet points were the centerfold for the first quarter of 2019. We had planned a trip to Texas for our sons first birthday, and got approached to start a conversation with a church in the state. We made that trip an epic road trip of Texas and celebrated our little guy turing one with family. Arriving back in Virginia we were still a little upside down on what God was calling us to do. W...

LIFE: Time Flies

The old idiom," Time flies when your'e having fun", was correct.  Today I sit here writing about how it has been two years since our son Malachi made his entrance into the world. Where did the past two years go? Well if you are keeping up with the Jones' ( not our real last name- haha), since January of 2018 we have: Had a baby  Moved cross country twice Been employed by two great churches Explored DC Six plane rides  Little M is such a trooper. He loves going along for the ride, and as you see noted above- there have been plenty in his short time this side of the womb. I really can not figure out where the past two years have gone, but know that it has been fun.  Happy Birthday Malachi!  Mommy and Daddy love you!