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Showing posts from April, 2020

LIFE: Mourning what you don't want

I would be remiss if I allowed Cesarean Awareness month pass by without reflecting on mine through writing. I had always wanted to have children. I did not want a c-section. I did not want to have a medicated birth. Heck! I didn't really even want to have my child in a hospital. But all of that changed the day that I found out I was pregnant and had a bicornuate {heart shaped/double sided/split} uterus.  I hear mamas stories of going into labor and it makes me tear up a bit that I didn't get that opportunity. I hear stories of mamas going back and forth to the hospital with false alarms, and feel I missed out on an experience. But at 20 weeks due to my condition, my doctor and I had come to the consensus that a c section was going to be the safest manner for baby and mama but it wasn't going to stop my doctor from even checking the babys position the morning of my delivery.  I find that Satan tries his hardest to pull heart strings and make you feel inadequate....