I am sitting here in the middle of May... opening my life planner to make some notes only to realize I AM NOT SUPPOSE TO BE HERE. I should not be writing this blog. I should not be sitting in my apartment. I should not in in the city, state, country that I am currently. My heart breaks, and the tears follow, every time I open a calendar that I had placed my dream mission trip to Africa on (two different team Google Cals, a few personal Google Cals, and three paper calendars- YES I have a calendar problem). I have written about this heart break, as I know many people have had heart break moments during the #CovidChronicles but today I come to you as a plea for prayer for my friends in Africa. Pray for Joey and his team in Ghana. They currently do not have cases in the village but the do not necessarily have the means to handle an outbreak. Joey is suppose to be returning stateside for his daughters wedding the first week in June and we are unsure of that status. P...
"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. – Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace.