Closing out a year is normally filled excitement and anticipation for all of the amazing things that are filling my calendar for that year but as you know- 2020. One major heart break that I had was the cancellation of my trip to Ghana, which really did not close down til about a month before take off. The nature of my choice of word was based on that trip- EXPLORE . How we explored in 2020: Family walks on every square inch of the San Antonio River- Mission Reach trails. Daily walks around our apartment complex Potty training-- enough said The ways to stream church services How to do "camp at church" Sea World and Zoo season passes Career as a virtual admin and project manager Over all-- not the distant explorations that I was expecting to take, but still explored "home". Thinking about how I want to frame the next year, really had me perplexed on a word choice. I have not lost hope, I live each day through my almost three year olds eyes. 2020 was not a br...
"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. – Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace.