Three years ago at this time I was making myself lay down in bed after scrubbing down with the "prescribed" soap for pre-op, knowing that in a few short hours I would be up doing it again. Three years ago I was thinking that I had no idea what the next season in life was going to look like. Three years ago I was over thinking all the things, and super thankful that God slowed my mind down enough to get a wink of rest before the next morning. You see, three years ago January 15th at the 12 AM I was making myself go to sleep because I had a scheduled c-section to meet a baby that I did not know the gender. I had a ball of every emotion hitting me because I had waiting since I was a child to be a mama ( yes as a 6 year old I knew that I was destined to be a mama-- there is a story of the time my babysitter had an emergency and my soon to be at that time stepmom had to stay at the house until parents could get there but she did not want to change diapers and I pushed her aside ...
"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. – Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace.