I feel like every post I make, I am finding more of my voice again. I never in my life felt like I would have a voice to share about some of the more body related posts that I have made, but here I am to share about another personal body part- lol! I realized I had not shared about my breast feeding journey and I feel like it is something that might help someone. So the journey starts on a very cold day in January 2018. As I have noted in previous blogs, I had a c-section which was not 100 percent my goal but 100 percent perfect in every way. I was told going into my c-section that it may take a little longer for my milk to fully come in but it was not going to be impossible. So when my little guy was able to join me in the room we would be in, we went to work. I was still very medicated and he made his wiggly way to the source. I knew not much was coming but he was happy at the end of each feeding attempt, but his blood sugar was low and the nurses wanted me to switch to formula and w...
"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. – Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace.