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Showing posts from August, 2021

LIFE: Processing the Unknown

In the 90's, television and books portrayed the family with 2.5 children and a house with a two car garage where dad worked outside of the home and mom had dinner ready in the evenings. The show would continue with grandma and grandpa popping in for a visit or a trip to their house.  My 90's family did not have this imagery- and that's okay. I grew up with divorced parents, and the parents I lived with full time both were from countries other than the US- meaning aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents all still lived in their respective native land. This meant that I did not necessarily have the same visitation schedule as families who all live in the same city, state, or country.  I know from pictures that the first time that my Nana ( my dads mom) Sheila, from England, came to visit was the spring after I was born. I have pictures of myself in a stroller with my Nana below the Tower of Americas. The next time I would get the opportunity to be with my grandmother was arou...