I am lost in translation of (who, what) a friend is in the world anymore. I am in a conversation and someone mentions a name( and since I have a crazy memory- and know almost everyone I have ever met or seen) I do not know how to classify anyone. Are they my friends? I feel like I have people whom fall into the following categories: co-workers whom I chit chat with but does not seem to remember whats going on in my life long enough to pretend to care people who want me to babysit classmates online who do not even know much about me beyond my name. they do not even remember that I am from another state( even though I constantly remind them in each post) people from middle school, high school, college that I run into constantly. parents of kids that I spend time with all day. family that I barely see or talk to fellow church goers people that my husband talks to and their wives who sometimes talk to me am I the only one who feels like this? am I being too over critical? I just don't ...
"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. – Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace.