Keep automatically typing in facebook into my browser bar. I do not need Facebook, and it is good that I am keeping off. I have tried to erase it so it wont come up in my browser but it has not worked. GRRRRR!!! I have de-FACED in hopes that I will keep more focus on writing and reading ( and technically this counts because my professors want us to write about us too). I can not wait for Thanksgiving "break" where I can read ONE good book between reading for class before the next week. I have felt freedom from this. During Thanksgiving I am also going to be doing the Turkey Trot, for myself. Ultimate goal is still to do a half marathon. My new baby steps up include taking some weight off : ) which has been happening with my new volunteer position as assistant cheer coach for the coolest school. In December, we are taking two days to go to anywhere but heresville to relax and detach from our computers. It can not be long due to jobs,but we are going to do some us time no matte...
"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. – Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace.