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Showing posts from March, 2015

Webinar Review: Art and Science of Dig Fundraising

Art and Science of Digital Fundraising Donor Pyramid Major Donors {Planned Giving, Capital Campaign, Board Development}           Mid-Level {Gift Officer, Staff and Management}                     Mass Market Monetize Facebook Likes Why digital fundraising is KING? It is fun, educational and has deeper engagement Dig Fundraising Handbook People are OPEN O : On Demand: expect information right now. How are we being on demand? P : Personalization: Show donors achievement, status and historical markers. What are we currently showing to our donors about their donations? Only mailings? E : Engaged: Share profound events an...

Review : The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn

The Treasure Principle by: Randy Alcorn Chapter 1: Buried Treasure             This concept is one that many people do not take into consideration until the item is gone. People are a little more willing to give money than give the shirt off their back. We harvest treasures in such a way that it is painful (tearful) to lose such items- it may be an item we haven’t had for long (page 13). As easy as we gain something, it can be taken away. “Storing up earthly treasures isn’t simply wrong, it’s just plain stupid.”  Chapter 2: Compounding Joy             Saying and doing are two different things when it comes to swallowing the idea of God being the owner of all income, savings and assets- we are just managing it on Earth. God bought us at the price of his son Jesus. “Whenever we think like owners, it’s a red flag.” We are called to seek first and invest in THE OWNER...

Review: Funding your Vision by Gerald Twombly

a millennial view on Funding Your Vision by Gerald Twombly Emotional Givers vs Rational Givers             I equate the emotional giver with that of the camp “high”. When we come home from summer camp everyone is on fire and wants to tell their whole school about Jesus this year, or when we go to concerts sponsored by Compassion or see the television ads for sad, abused puppies: everyone wants to signup right then but especially for students/millennials the next month there is a sadder, better project to be a part of. Rational givers know that Rome was not built in a day, and that it takes constant support and nurturing of a project for it to succeed. Relationships: More than who you know but who you could make influence paths with (sphere of influence). Take ten : Critical Groups : as discussed we would like to reach the millennials (20 to 30 somethings). Impacted Groups : Our mission fields and the projects that th...

Review: The 11 Questions Every Donor Asks

The 11 Questions Every Donor Asks by Harvey McKinnon {WHY ME?} The question asked my many video gaming youth not wanting to get up and take out the trash. People are looking for loopholes and excuses to get out of something they don’t think they are 100% about. People have a need for being needed. For the millennials I thing some of the why me process would be an ego feeding. On page 22 the subtitle about emotionally grabbing: I understood where the story was going and went but the other books said we didn’t want to go for the emotion card- where do we draw the line in the sand? {WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME?} it’s the skin in the game syndrome, the ask has to come from someone who really bleeds this project not just wearing the t-shirt on game day. {DO I RESPECT YOU?} Respect doesn’t come over night but by patience and knowing your stuff. {HOW MUCH DO YOU WANT?} Learning about potential, waiting for the big one J , and know the percentages of where the money is going. ...

Review: Asking by Panas

a very rough review of Asking by Jarold Panas for work : )               From the first few pages, you can tell this would be a wonderful pick me up book for someone who is finding A LOT of dead ends in their asks- in almost a Dr Suess type approach. A great reminder game on page 12- people do not want to give their money away, they want to invest it in great causes. So as 4 reminds us: milk the cow but do not tell your donors they are cows or that you want their milk.             Empathy: listening and being there for someone, Energy: sparks and actively listening, and finally Enthusiasm: it’s contagious. Wrap all three with the bow of integrity and you have a good relationship with a donor. Be an excited listener.             Do not sell needs, sell answers to the problems people are facing. Do not push your agenda, but allow the...

Review: Ask for a Fish by Ron Haas

I am taking this week to share my {comical} insight into books I have read on faith based fundraising. The next book in my series is:   Ask for a Fish by: Ron Haas              The title and introduction reminded me of the little boy at conference who asked a donor for money for “this project”, and the time that the donor took to educate the boy on how to ask for what he wanted using “specific” details. My notes all over this was BE SPECIFIC , and Webster defines specific as clearly defined; and precise detail. People want to know where their money is going; I know when I have been approached about Compassion kids, I wanted a lay out of how the funds were being allocated- not because I didn’t trust them but because I was truly interested. Which is what the donor buy in principle is about: you want more than a donor, you want someone to care. {PRAY} “If we ask our heavenly Father for our (personal) daily bread as ...

Review: Major Donor Game Plan I reviewed the book Major Donor Game Plan by Patrick McLaughlin for a work project, and felt I should share it since I have many friends who are in the fundraising "game".   Great use of 1 st Chronicle 28 and Luke 14, I think it easiest to have a biblical definition of what you are trying to do. Planning, outlining, timing and understanding your project and what you are asking your donor is very important. Important concept: a gift from the heart is given for different reasons than a gift from the head. No more Heavenly Hinting- just like car sales men, people do not like those that beat around the bush and give them the information you would like (the full cost of the car). Why do so many churches/ pastors believe that it isn’t their job or apologize profusely to preach about giving? People need models, and in the generation of many people not being raised in the church coming to know Ch...

Loving her for the In-betweens

{SOAP BOX}  There are seasons in life: childhood, high school graduation, college graduation, wedding, and having kids.  These are milestones/goals that show I guess what can be viewed as success points. When and why have we set a cultural expectation that they must all flow smoothly, in order and back to back? Can people just enjoy the stages of life they are in any more? Is this something that has always been prevalent and I am only seeing it because of the season I am in? *** my not perfect timeline*** Sept 2006 : I was a high school senior with 13 clubs and organizations on my mind- finishing high school strong; and also the month that I started dating my husband. May 2007 : Graduated High School with honors and started my full time job the next morning at 8:00 am. Aug 2007 : started community college { becoming a more normal/accepted thing due to cost of college} July 2008 : GOT ENGAGED :) {I was 19 years of age- some thought I was NUTS- so we planned to ge...