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Showing posts from May, 2017

REVIEW: The Conmans Daughter

{necessary information} I received this book as a read me from the author as a part of the launch team for free. The opinions expressed in this blog are mine alone and not those of the author or publisher. {transparency} Anyone who knows me, knows that I cross the thin line between fangirling and need to be put behind bars for stalking Candice Curry  (teehee) I met her just before chapter 10 and her strength through the crud chatted about in that chapter, her humor in parenting and her passion to share Jesus with those who hurt has impacted me in ways I don't know if I will ever be able to explain. With all that said, this has not changed that I think this is an amazing book- I do not let relationships get in the way of my honest reviews, so she made it easy on me. {review: The Conman's Daughter } True, honest, raw stories shared by Candice about her biological dad and his shifty "businesses".  She shares truth behind the secrets she felt she had to keep and ...

LIFE: Not The Mama

I watched Dinosaurs as a kid, and actually do not remember much except I do remember the baby yelling, "Not the mama", which is about what I echo each time I am out and about with the children that I have nannied in my life. I am not a mama, yet but I do care for the children I teach, coach and care for as if they were my own. So every time I say no I am not the mama, I am saying- but their mamas trust me to infinity and beyond with their kids and I do not ever take that lightly. I was chatting with a fellow nanny today and we decided we will make a National Nanny Day 😂 I struggle with mothers day because it is rooted into me deep that I want to be a mama. I want to be a foster mama and be able to stand in the gap as other mamas are working on things. I want to be an adoptive mama and take care of sweet babies ( what ever their age may be) who do not have family. I want to be a secondary mama to any children who are struggling. With this said, I also had some amazing...

REVIEW: Tranquility

{necessary information} I received this book as a try-me from Tyndale Publishers and the opinions expressed in this blog are mine alone and not those of the author or publisher {review: Tranquility } You will note if you are a follower of my blog, that this book looks very similar to one I reviewed last fall. This notebook comes equipped with pieces to color, journal through and reflect upon. The color scheme of the book is blues and purples and sets a tranquil vibe. I had a friend going through a surgery and was able to snag one for her to relax with during her time in hospital. I highly reccomend this to lady, 12 or older, in your life. Pairs perfectly with some new colored pencils or crayons.