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LIFE: Not The Mama

I watched Dinosaurs as a kid, and actually do not remember much except I do remember the baby yelling, "Not the mama", which is about what I echo each time I am out and about with the children that I have nannied in my life. I am not a mama, yet but I do care for the children I teach, coach and care for as if they were my own. So every time I say no I am not the mama, I am saying- but their mamas trust me to infinity and beyond with their kids and I do not ever take that lightly. I was chatting with a fellow nanny today and we decided we will make a National Nanny Day 😂

I struggle with mothers day because it is rooted into me deep that I want to be a mama. I want to be a foster mama and be able to stand in the gap as other mamas are working on things. I want to be an adoptive mama and take care of sweet babies ( what ever their age may be) who do not have family. I want to be a secondary mama to any children who are struggling.

With this said, I also had some amazing moms in my life. Some moms have been life long, and some have been seasonal, but I have recognized them all for the mothering they have given to me.

Biological/Best Friend Mom- Stacy: She is the lady that I semi look like ( sorry that dads genes were REAL strong and facially I am his spitting image) and would love to have her body and corkscrew curly hair.  If I have half of the tenacity and strength of my mom, I will be able to face anything with confidence. My mama is lethally blonde: a correctional officer in a jail, and defines girl power to the T! Thank you for facing every obstacle you have faced with strength and grace, it has not gone unnoticed. You are such a BIG encourager, and have become my best friend and confidant. <--- (Chena Lakes 2014)

Step/Texas House/Bonus Mom-Adriana: From the start we were on the rocks, I mean come'on- you met my dad because I bit your daughter. You allowed me to be the cockroach hero- allowing me to see that I didn't fear much from an early age. You brought diversity to my core- reminding me that family doesn't have to be blood but whoever you welcome into your home ( and we welcomed lots of interesting people, and pinatas, into our home). (Soccer game) -->

Spiritual/Nana- Lois: From a young age you allowed me to tag along in ministry, and guided me through learning who Jesus was. Nana, you were the one that I came to when I accepted Jesus into my heart and you made sure I understood what that meant. You were my every Saturday Night and Sunday Morning for as long as I remember till age 9. I loved watching Babe and sipping on 7up limeades snuggled up on the couch.

Mimi/ Great-Grandmother: You were a spit fire. You encouraged me to the be the reader I am today. I felt like Belle every Sunday morning that I joined you in the ORBC library. You allowed me to go to youth camp every summer in middle school- though you tried to keep it a secret that you were the one paying.(Both ladies pictured with my Aunt Carrie)

Bonus/Mother-in-Love-Marsha: You welcomed me into your home, to your thanksgiving table from early on in our dating relationship. You made me icepacks when my wisdom teeth were removed. You are my shopping and lunching partner in crime. You welcomed me as your co-Huffman in crime. (First Selfie/Ussie) --->

School Moms-
Jett: You were a solid rock for me from day one of my sophomore year at Churchill. You mentored me and believed in me, even when my ideas were super crazy ( chronological yearbook). You gifted me the little engine that could because you knew that I had big dreams and that no matter what I was going to keep chugging away at them. You went far beyond the definition of a teacher in my life, as well as many others who entered your classroom.
<--- (Jetts Birthday- 2006)

Salge: Middle school would not have been the same had there not been another A. Smith that got in trouble in my class. I do not know if I would have had the opportunity to build a relationship with you had I not been called in for the other A. Smiths troubles. You were a role model for the type of mentor I want to be for young ladies in my ministries. You reached beyond your desk with hugs, purses filled with make ups for plays, and by inviting me to come with Hunter to Confirmation classes at UUMC.

OMS Mamas-
  • Patty: You allowed me to take over strong on your project, giving me freedoms to use my crazy brain to map out registration for conference. Ron and you loved on me like your own kid. My season working along side you was one of my favorites. I love your spirit of work, and the grace and patience you showed. You dreamed big for me. 
  • Linda: You were the definition of mentor and mama wrapped into one. You decorated my desk with our shared loves, as well as a plaque about how I was your work daughter. You walked along side our tough season and loved me strong through it. Randy and you gifted much love and wisdom to us. 
  • Mama Dardeen (because thats what I called you on a daily basis): You do not know how much you taking your necklace off your neck and placing it around mine reached deep into my soul. You loved and encouraged me every single day. 
Greenwood Mamas- Michelle, Carol, Cori and Gayle: You opened your doors to intimate family gatherings and adopted us as your own children. I love that even your children felt that we were a part of the family too. You showed us what the church should truly look like. You hugged us in the absence of their physical presence. You held nothing back from us. You even were willing to change what you were cooking because of our crazy eating habits. We miss yall very much. 

Mama Jenn/Next Door Neighbor: You trusted me with your babies. You stepped in and made me a mum the size of Texas during homecoming. You wanted a daughter and adopted me as her. 

Mama Humphrey: You welcomed me into serving in your ministry. You invited me to dream with you about preteen camp. You opened your house to us late at night and drank sweet tea while we talked life. You are our biggest cheerleader. You love strong. I know you see us as your kids. <--- (the First Preteen Camp 2011)

Candice: because you daily liked saying that you were old enough to be my mama, and what was one more kid to your brood 😂  You believed in this young whipper snapper college student to be a part of the coaching team at CHFBS, and trusted me to take over when you hit a rock in your road. You welcomed me into your life, into your brood and loved me like a mama/little sister. 

Edith: You were the first non-family family member. You were my first and only childhood babysitter. You disciplined me hard, and loved me harder. You allowed me to change diapers at 5 years old ( which sounds crazy to some but prepped me early to be a babysitter and nanny). You fed me chicken nuggets with honey everyday because you knew that is all I would eat - even if the other kids were eating something else. You took me on adventures with your family- like the time I went to Galveston with you. 

This list is in no way shape of form exhaustive. I know the moment I press publish I will have more and more names pop into my head. I adore all of the wonderful women who have stepped into my life and left impressions of the woman/leader/wife I want to be and will be. I am thankful for being able to love on my friends babies and be a nanny. God gave me nurturing genes and who knows who I will get to use them on in the future as a mama myself- but I am glad I get to use them daily.

Ladies who are waiting to be mamas: I hurt along side you, but know that we are given big love to love on those around us daily. Your desire for children will not return void, but know that it may look differently that you thought. I pray you find peace in timing, and never lose hope. My blog is not called Hurried Patience for nothing, I am all about my timing or Gods timing only if it comes quick. Remember your first love, Christ, and how He loved first that you may love. Cling tight to your spouse as they struggle along side you. 

Mamas- some of you remember the struggle, and some of you never faced the struggle. Remember to love those around you who may or may not be struggling with not having children yet- some of us mask it real well. Remember to love on those taking care of your children- you are the only one that can recognize them for what they do for you ( there isn't a Nanny/Babysitter Appreciation day/week, yet). Allow women to be there for your kids. As a ministry wife and as you can see from the list above, there are sometimes seasons when your kids find it easier to chat to others before you- its not offensive, its a blessing that the love that women give your children allows them to trust. 

Happy Mothers Day to the Mamas
& Blessed Day to those who ache
<3 Not the Mama


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