I don’t lean well. I don't sit well. I don't slow well. I am a power through girl- things are going to get done, no matter what. BUT ... this year (2018) has to look a little different. 2018 will bring 32 years for hubs (Jan 7) 9 years of marriage (Jan 9) 30 years of age ( Oct 11) OH YEAH! and a baby no later than January 15th. While it was hard to swallow not having a natural birth, we have a very breech baby and will be having a c-section on Jan 15th at the latest- you know because babies sometimes don't like being told when their birthdays will be and decide to bust down the water wall. So we shall see when BABY H will join our rankings within the next two weeks. BECAUSE of all of this... I have considered a few different words to represent my goal in 2018. The first word that came to mind was slow- again if you know me, or have read any of my blogs = I don' t slow well, I am a get up and go girl. I think that there will ...
"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. – Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace.