Sai De Silva We all have heard the stories, or have one of our very own, of a child who heard an adult use an adult word and repeats it. Little ears pick up everything, but so do little minds, hearts, and spirits. I have struggled with my body image since childhood. I have struggled with thinking that being overweight meant that I was not pretty. These stem from things I heard the women around me saying about their own bodies. Moms, Aunts, Babysitters, Friends- looking in the mirror saying," I look so fat and ugly today," or "I wish I could fix this." Part of my weight loss journey has been coming to the realization that weight is not equivalent to beauty and that I am beautiful with the weight on or off. I think this is part of the reason my weight loss journey has been so rocky until recently. I could not let the weight control my image of myself. I had to see the woman that my husband saw and told me I was( thank you Honey 😘). At one point I tried to ke...
"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. – Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace.