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Showing posts from October, 2020

LIFE: It Hits You At Odd Times

I was not expecting to cry when I opened my Facebook memories this morning. I was expecting to post my yearly "ITS OCTOBER/MY BIRTH MONTH" post and was looking how I had put it in the past. Not this October 1st-  this time I started crying because my fun post about choosing which Texas chain I would get rid of only had one like, and it was from him.  I have been struggling to put into words how losing a family member that I didn't get much of an opportunity to know, is hurting. At his celebration of life, I heard beautiful stories from two of his classmates/ team mates/ best friends who had seen his beautiful spirit on a more normal basis.  This sentiment sadly lays with many of my direct family members for one reason or another: distance, remarriage, unspoken hurts, ect. I wish it did not, because as a almost 32 year old I am still struggling that I am not close to extended family. I LOVE FAMILY! If you are my friend, you know that I automatically adopt you into my FRAMI...