I have had an awful lot of un published blogs lately. These blogs come from deep routed feelings that have surfaced this year due to one thing or another. Maybe some day these blogs will be unearthed but for today, this blog needed to be written while it was still raw. I have very vague memories of third or forth grade summer camp at Alto Frio, where I met Nana Pudding ( a christian puppet) and went pogging for the first time in a river. Summer after sixth grade, I got in church vans and headed to Louisiana for the first time to attend Student Life Camp, then proceeded to go to Angelo State University and Glorieta New Mexico a few times. I spent time serving during spring breaks at Riverbend Retreat Center which lead to an internship over the summer. The week that "Curtis" and I first really got to know each other, we were at Glorieta for Centrifuge camp. Camp is a special place for me. Camp is a happy place for me. In 2018, I was able to experience camp through ...
In the 90's, television and books portrayed the family with 2.5 children and a house with a two car garage where dad worked outside of the home and mom had dinner ready in the evenings. The show would continue with grandma and grandpa popping in for a visit or a trip to their house. My 90's family did not have this imagery- and that's okay. I grew up with divorced parents, and the parents I lived with full time both were from countries other than the US- meaning aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents all still lived in their respective native land. This meant that I did not necessarily have the same visitation schedule as families who all live in the same city, state, or country. I know from pictures that the first time that my Nana ( my dads mom) Sheila, from England, came to visit was the spring after I was born. I have pictures of myself in a stroller with my Nana below the Tower of Americas. The next time I would get the opportunity to be with my grandmother was arou...