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Review: Jesus Outside the Lines by Scott Sauls

{necessary information} I received this book as a try-me from Tyndale Publishers and the opinions expressed in this blog are mine alone and not those of the author or publisher.

{transparency of a blogger} I did not give this book the attention it should have gotten. My husband had found out in the Fall of 2015 that there would be a transition at our current church that required us to no longer have a pay check and I had transitioned out of my current position to be a full time employment search secretary. So instead of taking time to seek Gods will fully through prayer and His word, I spent time on job websites and social media. I actually wasn't even following most of the rest of what was going on in the world- I felt very stuck/consumed in my bubble of searching. Much of what was happening in the world around me ( political fighting, racial divide, attacks on police) are things touched on in....

 {insert Jesus outside the Lines} A book that reminds us as Christians that we are here to love on everyone- despite our opinions on their looks or who they like. This does not mean we partake in such lifestyles, just that we show grace and love. Battles of Church and State are as old as time, we just have so many more avenues to "post" about this issues and our stances. Am I saying we can not have a stance against something that is biblically wrong?-no. What I am saying is maybe we should be more careful about how we attack and remember the childhood bracelet {WWJD}. It is not an us against them- its us loving them with Christs' love as we are called to do. If not us then who? If we do not show love towards people then they are going to seek it else where.

If you love God, love people. Pure and Simple.

available on Amazon and ChristianBook 


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