Last years word took a different turn than I was expecting ( check out my blog from 12/21/2018). When I thought of what 2019 would look like, I knew that it was going to be an adventure.
So for 2019 my word is:
Why I chose this word:
So for 2019 my word is:

- I am still learning about the area we relocated to in 2018 shortly after the birth of our son.
- Watching my son discover things for the first time is like discovering it for the first time myself.
- Entering into the 11th year of marriage with my husband, and there is still much to discover together.
- I want discover new things in the Word this year, I am starting that by doing a Chronological reading through the bible this year.
- After turning 30 this year, there is still so much more for me to discover about myself. Including but not limited to taking a few personality tests (I am looking at you Enneagram) and spiritual gifts analysis. Some of what I have realized is that not being in a specific field at the time being, my answers are not swayed towards that position.
- The skys the limit.
I am all about new experiences in 2019. Now off to discover something...
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